Declaration: I am at least 14 years of age. If under the age of 18, I have parental consent and they will sign this form on my behalf and supervise me during the axe throwing session.
I agree that I will undertake the activities in accordance with the safety rules made available to me prior to participation and the advice given in the safety briefing to be undertaken, together with any verbal instructions or advice given to me by staff. It is my responsibility to follow all instructions given by staff at all times.
I acknowledge that I am responsible for my own safety (and the safety of my possessions) while undertaking in the activities.
I certify that to the best of my knowledge that I am in good physical condition and I do not have any medical condition which might have the effect of making it more likely that I will be involved in an incident which could result in injury to myself or others. I certify that I have no pre-existing medical conditions which, could through participation in the activities, result in injury to myself or damage to my health.
It is my responsibility to ensure that my clothing and footwear is appropriate for the activity.
Each participant must determine whether the Activities are suitable for use by them and whether they are capable of participating in the Activities prior to participation in them. Additionally, I understand that it is my responsibility to determine whether I am fit to participate in these activities based on my own health.
Taking part in such activities can result in serious injury or death, as axe throwing is a hazardous activity. It is entirely at my own risk that I use the activities. As part of the axe throwing activity, I understand that I may suffer personal injury, including cuts, abrasions, bruises, muscle strains, twists, sprains, dislocations, broken bones, and paralysis as a result. This type of injury can occur due to general use of the equipment and not because the No Name Bar & Games or its employees are negligent.
I confirm that I am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol and accept that I must not participate in axe throwing if I have consumed any alcohol or drugs prior to attending.
The Activities are used by multiple groups at the same time and are not restricted to any particular age group. It is understood that the Activities are physically demanding and the use of axes in the Activities may result in an unpredictable outcome. It is my understanding that extreme caution must always be exercised during the Activities.
A moderate level of fitness is required to participate in the Activities, and they can be physically demanding and require substantial physical effort. I should not participate in the Activities unless I am physically capable of doing so.
I understand that I am responsible for my own actions and or involvement in using the Activities.
I understand that No Name Bar & Games or their staff do not provide expert training or tuition to participants in the use of the Activities.
In the unlikely event of an accident, or loss or damage to any personal effects, I acknowledge that No Name Bar & Games or their staff will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss, damage or injury arising from or in connection with the Activities or with my failure to follow the safety instructions and guidance of No Name Bar & Games and their staff, and I waive all and any claims against the company in this respect.
By entering the venue and/or participating in the games, I hereby consent to No Name Bar & Games taking video and/or photographs for all purposes, including advertising and promotional purposes. I waive any right to inspect or approve the use of any photograph and/or video and agree that the rights granted to this are without compensation in any way. I understand that I may withdraw this consent at any time by telling No Name Bar & Games, contact details can be found on the website
I have read and fully understand the above and I confirm acceptance of No Name Bar & Games Rules and the terms and conditions.
I acknowledge and accept that CCTV images of all entrants will be monitored and recorded throughout the premises for the purposes of public safety and crime prevention.
I confirm that I have read and fully understand the above and accept the terms and conditions of participation freely and voluntarily.
- Listen to the staff at all times
- Always pay attention and remain sensible
- Only throw forwards towards the target as instructed
- Never throw whilst anyone else is also in the axe throwing cage
- Never enter the axe throwing cage if someone else is throwing
- Always collect the axes in the way instructed by the staff
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